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Spotlight on Sales: Nominate Your Heroes

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For the rest of 2021, we’re celebrating the real salespeople who are making a difference every day — and we’re counting on you to help us find them. When you nominate someone for Sales Hero of the Month, you’re telling us why they are a hero to you and your colleagues. Their dedication, hard work, and willingness to take on new challenges will be celebrated and revived. We want your nominations for the salespeople in your life that use craft and commitment to drive results: for their businesses, customers, and teammates. You can nominate any salesperson you know, peer or colleague, who impresses you — whether it’s their commitment to building relationships, their performance in acquiring new business, the way they maximize sales productivity, or their inclusive and encouraging leadership.

How do I nominate someone?

It’s easy! All you have to do is take a minute to submit the person you’d like to nominate here. We’ll ask you to include a summary of who you want to feature and why they deserve a shoutout. 

Who can I nominate?

Feel free to nominate as many people as you’d like. It could be:

  • Your former colleague, who’s now a sales team lead at a large company,
  • Your cousin who sells cars,
  • Your direct report who exceeded quota three months in a row.

When will you announce the heroes and what do they get?

Through the end of this year, we’ll be spotlighting one hero each month across all our social channels and blog, reaching a big audience and ensuring they are recognized by peers and the sales industry at large. Someone from our team will reach out to the selectees to let them know about their feature and ask for an additional statement. Every person that gets featured will receive a $200 gift card.

All nominees — and those who nominated them — will also be entered into a raffle for a $500 cash prize awarded at the end of the year.

How will heroes be selected?

Those selected for a spotlight (and reward) will be up to the discretion of CaptivateIQ.

If the person you’re thinking of has 3+ of these qualities, then what are you waiting for? Here are some reasons to nominate someone:

  • They’re committed to building relationships,
  • They’re a top-performer,
  • They exude confidence and are an excellent communicator,
  • They have a vision and show leadership skills,
  • They target decision-makers with laser precision and go so far as to map out buying committees, 
  • They know how to loop in the right people at the right time,
  • They do their homework and uncover meaningful insights that help them understand a prospect and their business,
  • They know how to tailor a sales pitch that’s anything but generic,
  • They engage customers authentically and find reasons to stay in touch,
  • They bring value to every interaction.

Why should I nominate someone?

Sales is challenging, and it often goes unappreciated. Now’s your opportunity to shine a light on the salespeople who deserve it most, say thank you, and show that you care. Not only do they have the chance to walk away with the recognition they deserve, but we’ll also be celebrating them on our blog and social channels.

We’re looking for quota-carriers who have achieved a certain level of success in their role. They are the real heroes we want to hear about. Nominate someone today!

Don't know anyone sales but know someone who does? Share the love by tagging your peer or colleague on social with the hashtag #2021SalesHeroes!

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